Based on emeriti feedback, the current COBRA and Direct Bill administrator HealthEquity (WageWorks) will be replaced with Discovery Benefits, Inc (DBI). This change is effective July 1, 2020. Emeriti who are enrolled in COBRA and Direct Bill can expect to receive a welcome notice from DBI in the next couple of weeks.
Join Dean and Prof. David Nirenberg for a virtual Harper Lecture on June 8, 6:30pm, where he’ll compare his research on the Black Death in the Middle Ages with the results of polling on religion and COVID in the U.S. today. Harper Lectures are free and open to all, hosted by the Alumni Association. Click this news item to register.
“What is a life well lived?” Join Prof. Nicholas Epley for a virtual Harper Lecture on this question, May 26 at 6:30pm. Harper Lectures are free and open to all, hosted by the Alumni Association. Click this news item to register.
Join the remote Astronomy Mini-Conference hosted by Dorian Abbot’s group within UChicago Astronomy and Astrophysics, May 26 from 8am-12pm. Click on this news item to register for the event and receive the Zoom information.
Join Michael Rossi (History) for an exploration of four historical pandemics, Wednesdays at 6:30pm from May 20 to June 10. Free and open to all, hosted by the University of Chicago Graham School. Click this news item to register and receive Zoom information and readings.